Are you an Auditory learner?
Do you prefer to listen and discuss, rather than read or watch? Do you find yourself talking if you lose interest in something being taught? Chances are you are an Auditory learner.
In our last two blog posts we looked at the characteristics of tactile learners and visual learners. This week we’ve created a third infographic for the Auditory learner, who learns best by listening. Read on for more auditory learner characteristics and, if it does sounds like you, for learning tips.
About Work Ready Training
At Work Ready Training, we offer fully accredited, online courses that cover all the pest training you need to apply for your state pest control licence. We want you to finish our courses feeling Work Ready. That’s qualified AND confident you can do the job outside the (virtual) classroom.
We strive to provide course content that is not only interesting and relevant but also practical, and we have worked hard to create high quality, online courses that teach you all the essential skills and knowledge you need, using the latest adult education methods.