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What’s your learning style: Tactile learner?

Are you a Tactile learner?

Do you prefer to move, build, try and touch, rather than listen or watch? Do you find yourself getting fidgety if you have to sit still for too long? Chances are you are a Tactile learner.

At WRT we make sure our courses cater for all types of learners. However, working out your main learning style can really help you to study better. In our last blog post we looked at the characteristics of Visual learners. This week we’ve created an infographic to take a look at the tactile learner (also known as a kinaesthetic leaner), who learns best by touching and doing. Read on to work out if you are a Tactile learner and for tips on how you can study better if you are.

Tactile Learner Infographic

About Work Ready Training 

At Work Ready Training, we offer fully accredited, online courses that cover all the pest training you need to apply for your state pest control licence. We want you to finish our courses feeling Work Ready. That’s qualified AND confident you can do the job outside the (virtual) classroom.

We strive to provide course content that is not only interesting and relevant but also practical, and we have worked hard to create high quality, online courses that teach you all the essential skills and knowledge you need, using the latest adult education methods. 


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5/08/2020 2:02 PM